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Pronta Folding Camera. Spain.407 viewsPronta, Spanish Bakelite Self Erecting Folding Camera for 6x9cm exposure on 620 Roll film.
more Info soon.

Rondine camera. Ferrania Italy. photo 3. 392 viewsTAN colour Rondine('swallow'in Italian) small all metal Box Camera for 4x6.5cm exposures on 127 rollfilm, simple Shutter with flash sync. Black,Green,Blue Burgundy,Tan. Made by Ferrania Italy ca.1948

Ensign Roll Film Reflex 2.1/4B. photo 1.443 viewsVertical Ensign Roll Film Reflex 2.1/4B. 6x9cm exposures on 620 Roll-film in simulated wood-grain covering.
made by Houghton London. ca.1920

Ensign Roll Film Reflex 2.1/4B. photo 2.416 viewsVertical Ensign Roll Film Reflex 2.1/4B. 6x9cm exposures on 620 Roll-film in simulated wood-grain covering.
made by Houghton London. ca.1920

Purma Plus with the rare flash. 412 viewsPurma Plus with the original rare flash, camera is a metal body, the flash is bakelite, the camera takes 32x32mm on 127 film, metal focal-plane shutter, made in Aberdare, Wales. ca.1951

Altissa & Juwel camera. Germany 552 viewsmore info soon.

Altissa camera. Germany 452 viewsmore info soon.

Altissa. Box camera 697 viewsmore info soon.

Altissa camera. Germany487 viewsmore info soon.

Exakta-B. Germany. photo 2418 viewsExakta-B. 127 SLR, Lever wind. 8 exp. on 127 film. The flash unit to go with this camera is VERY rare, and very hard to find. Made by Ihagee Germany ca.1953

Rondine camera. Ferrania Italy. photo 2. 396 viewsRondine('swallow' in Italian) small all metal Box Camera for 4x6.5cm exposures on 127 rollfilm, simple Shutter with flash sync. Black, Green, Blue, Burgundy,Tan. Made by Ferrania Italy ca.1948

Exakta (Model-B 4.1)429 viewsThe Black Night Exakta ?. (Model-B 4.1) camera, for 127mm Roll-film, focal-plane shutter, 2 sync.contacts, Logo on finder hood, But no Number, leaver film advance, Lens: Meyer Gorlitz Primoplan 1.9 /8cm and with BIG ser.No 743860 round the front lens. Made by Ihagee Kamera Werk Dresden Germany. ca. 1935-37
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